Frequently asked questions
How can I book an appointment with you?
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Are Tattoos Safe?
Choosing a tattoo artist that is reputable and works in a clean shop that follows all recommended safety precautions ensures that getting tattooed is perfectly safe. The artist you choose should have a valid Blood Borne Pathogens Certification as well as be knowledgeable and certified on Infectious Diseases. The artist should also be up to date and practicing all current sterilization procedures on their equipment and station.
Is It Ok To Ask To See My Tattoo Artist’s Set Up For My Tattoo?
Absolutely! You have chosen a reputable artist and shop. Your artist should have no problem showing you how everything is set up for your tattoo. I personally only set up in front of my client because I want every client to be able to see the attention to detail paid to all of the equipment used to ensure it is sterile and safe. Also, every disposable item is taken out of a properly sealed and EO gas sterilized package, and I take every precaution to ensure you receive the safest tattoo procedure possible.
Do Tattoos Hurt? How Much Will My Tattoo Hurt?
Everyone’s pain tolerance is different and the pain is really relative. Pain is most commonly explained as a heat sensation because certain areas of the body are slightly more durable than others. I personally work on tattoos meticulously from bottom to top completing each section as I go. Completing each section as the tattoo progresses cuts down on the skin trauma considerably and makes the process much less painful.
Can I Use Anything to Numb My Skin Before My Tattoo?
It is not recommended to use any numbing agents before the tattoo begins because different numbing agents can cause the skin to swell or pucker making the tattoo process harder and take longer. There are mild numbing agents that can be used during the process once the skin is open and affected that do not affect the skin and can lower the pain.
Can I Shave Over My New Tattoo?
It may be annoying, but it is recommended not to shave over a fresh tattoo. As your tattoo is healing you do not want to use anything abrasive or extra products besides the recommended mild soap and aftercare. You especially do not want anything sharp that could cause cuts or irritation to your healing tattoo. You will be healed and ready to shave over it within 2 weeks, but the earliest points of healing are the most important, and your tattoo should not be shaved over.
Is tanning ok with my new tattoo?
Before your tattoo has completely healed, it will be sensitive to UV rays (whether real rays or tanning bed rays). Once your tattoo has healed UV rays will be much less aggressive with fading your tattoos.
Can I still tan if I have tattoos?
Here’s how to protect your tattoo in a tanning bed or tanning in natural sunlight: When you’re going to be outside in the sun, cover your tattoo with a high-SPF sunscreen. To avoid getting a white ring around the edges of your tattoo, apply the sunscreen with a Q-tip for better control and precision. Colored ink will fade faster than black ink, so take care to cover colored portions thoroughly.
If you’re in a tanning bed, you can use a specially designed tattoo sunblock stick with SPF that will allow for a thorough & complete application that protects the color in the design.
Can My First Tattoo Be A Big Tattoo?
Absolutely! The most common regret in being tattooed is wishing the size and placement were different. If you choose the right artist and have a proper consultation, the artist should have gone over your future tattoo plans. Is this piece the beginning of a larger project? Do you see yourself having a full sleeve or just smaller pieces? If this piece would have future plans of turning into a larger piece what are your other ideas. This will elevate closing off your tattoo to your future plans. Not everyone is ready to start a full sleeve or back piece on their first session, but with proper planning you can make sure your future options are not limited.
Should I get a tattoo if I don’t vibe or feel a connection with the artist?
Absolutely not! You have done your research. Find an artist whose work is what you want, but if you don’t feel like you connect with the artist it is completely ok to choose a different artist. You will be spending a considerable amount of time with your artist depending on the piece. If you don’t feel comfortable, at ease, like your concerns have been elevated, or you just feel the energy is off between you and the artist then it is completely ok to say that isn’t the artist for you. You are your own judge of what is in your best interest. Never be afraid to advocate for yourself in a tattoo or any other life situation!